
Brady Austin

Marketing Specialist

My Services

For a regular digital business card and site the cost will be $750. This package will include a basic 3 page site. There will be some customizations such as color of the page, but there won't be custom logos. This package is a good option for someone that wants to use it for personal use and to connect with people. Also this is a good option for some small businesses.

For a digital business card and a fully customized site it will cost $1250. This package will include a 3 page fully customized site. The 3 pages will be customized however the customer wants it, including logos, background, color, layout, ect. This is the perfect option for a business owner wanting to network their company.

For $1750 you get 2 digital business cards, a 3 page site with full customization including 4 follow up emails for your clients who fill out their card. This is the best option for salesmen especially because of the follow up emails. The emails help the customer to remember their visit with you.*1650731435007*1650641172433*divider*svg?alt=media&token=0f418cb9-b8be-4a84-944a-0faa43dc963a
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